Warrant Bookings
Shawn Brown, Fallon PD; New River Justice Court
Samona Keimig, Churchill SO; New River Justice Court
Jhaniel Robles, Nevada HP; Fallon Municipal Court
Armon Cheeves, Churchill SO; Wadsworth Justice Court
Richard Apodaca, Fallon PD; New River Justice Court
Colby LaFrance, Churchill SO; Court services violation
Kimberly Gardipe, Churchill SO; Operate an unregistered vehicle, drive with a revoked license
Teresa Nelson, Fallon PD; DUI
Maria DeLuna-Miller, Churchill SO; Abuse, neglect, or endangerment of a child, contributing to the delinquency or neglect of a minor
Anthony DelVecchio, Churchill SO; DUI 2nd, proof of registration, driving left of center
Natasha Gibson, Fallon PD; Trespassing not amounting to burglary
Danielle Williams, Churchill SO; Assault with a deadly weapon
Lorenzo Rojas Valdivia, Nevada HP; DUI, failure to maintain a lane, open alcohol container in motor vehicle, basic speed
Samuel Wood, Churchill SO; Driving with suspended license, license plates improperly displayed, probation violation
Deonte Wallace, Fallon PD; DUI
Karl Loper, Churchill SO; DUI
Traskx Rawlings, Fallon PD; DUI 2nd
Inmate Count: Males 32 females 10; Total 42
