A controversial sheriff raises concerns for Nevadans.
Unintended Consequences: Sheriff's Ineligibility and the Implications of the Brady List and Liability
Part II of the ongoing investigation.
We as members of Law Enforcement are entrusted with great power and trust, it is expected that we are prudent in the use of these powers and to act judiciously in all cases.
September 5, 1945 - May 12, 2021
February 15, 1948 - July 22, 2020
May 13, 1974-November 16, 2021
June 15, 1974 – September 22, 2022
Tim Hockenberry, M.D., discusses the use of Hydroxycloroquine in the treatment of COVID-19
Statewide cattle drive planned to benefit Trump campaign
Trevor Hammond read the following statement into the record during Public Comment at the County Commission meeting held April 21. Used with permission
A special thanks to Jim for his letter...please keep them coming
December 19, 1997 -- March 8, 2021