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Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 4:53 PM

Faith and Life -- a column from local faith leaders

  • Source: Reverend Dawn Blundell, Epworth UMC
Faith and Life -- a column from local faith leaders

Author: Courtesy of Stan Lattin

Once per week or so, Fallon’s faith leaders offer their thoughts on faith and life. Any church or faith community of any kind is welcome and encouraged to participate. If you have ideas for topics we should write about, or if you are a faith leader and would like to participate, please call Pastor Dawn Blundell at Epworth UMC, 775-423-4714. If you’d like to talk more about anything you read here, or if you would like prayer or a listening ear, we hope you will reach out to one of us. If you don’t already have a church home, you are invited to join us for worship, too! You’ll find contact information and worship times below.

Between topics, we have invited local spiritual leaders to take the whole column to write their own “testimony,” that is, the story of why they believe as they do. We hope you find it helpful and uplifting, and as always we invite your thoughts and questions. Today’s testimony is written by Aaron Sorensen.

Aaron Sorensen, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
President, Fallon Nevada South Stake

For more info, please call 775-742-9040 or visit www.churchofjesuschrist.org

Recently, my wife shared with me an opinion paper one of her 4th grade students wrote titled something like “Everyone Should Praise God.” In her paper, she shared her faith in Christ and why He is a comfort and blessing in her life. I imagine this young student has been taught by her parents to have faith in Christ and she has felt His love. Like this young student, my faith in Christ has always been a part of my life. My parents taught me about Christ from a young age and that seed of faith has grown throughout my life. Scripture teaches us that faith is like a seed. If we plant that seed in our hearts, and nourish it, it will grow “to enlighten [our] understanding ...and be delicious to[us].” I feel the Saviour’s love as I read scripture, kneel in prayer, and spend time with my family. I feel close to Him on the rare occasion I can spend time in the mountains observing the wonder of His creation.

As I have served as an ecclesiastical leader, not only has He changed me, I have been a witness to the miracle of his grace in others. I have been a personal witness to those who come with a “broken heart and a contrite spirit” seeking the spiritual healing that only Christ can offer.

His perfect life and example qualified Him to offer the greatest gift to mankind. I can testify that He suffered for our sins and infirmities, the weight of which is unfathomable. He gave His life on the cross, and was resurrected three days later. This act of love has eased the sting of death with the assurance that we will live again. The door is open for each of us to overcome all things that we can have eternal life.

In closing, I am reminded of a Christmas plaque that hangs on my mother’s wall year round: “wise men still seek Him.” In a world that seems more chaotic and divided every day, I find reassurance knowing that He unites us and is our constant source of peace and hope as we seek Him.





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