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Thursday, February 13, 2025 at 1:32 AM

Victim Had History of Protective Orders Granted

Victim Had History of Protective Orders Granted
The house where Kelly Allen lost her life Monday night, October 26th

Two people are dead, and another remains in critical condition in a tragic ending to a relationship fraught with a history of violence.  

The family of Kelly Allen has confirmed that she and her ex-boyfriend Charlie Cheek are both dead. Multiple agencies are investigating. A third man, George Joyner is in critical condition at the UC Davis burn unit.

Fire crews and emergency teams responded to a structure fire off Sierra Way west of Fallon around 10:30 p.m. on October 26th. The State Fire Marshall is investigating the cause of the fire, while the Churchill County Sheriff is investigating what happened between parties at the scene, leading up to the fire.

“The Fire Marshall looks at what caused the fire, we look at why someone may have caused the fire,” said Sheriff Richard Hickox on Wednesday evening.

According to court documents, Allen had filed for Temporary Protective Orders against Charlie Cheek on at least three occasions. Records show she filed an application for a TPO on December 20, 2017 which after a hearing in which neither party appeared was not granted.

On January 4, 2018 Allen filed for a TPO against Cheek to protect herself from “stalking, aggravated stalking, and harassment” which was granted and extended for 30 days. According to that application, Cheek was found on the property where Allen lived with her parents. When she became aware he was there and told him to leave, he attacked her with a trash can full of broken glass and hit her in the face. She went to the hospital and was in possession of photos of the physical damage.

She reported the incident to the Churchill County Sheriff’s office, but also stated in the application that she was afraid of Cheek, “so it has been difficult to call the police.” The application did not list the relationship between the two at the time.

Allen did not appear at the hearing to extend the order on January 29, although the record shows Cheek did. The order was allowed to expire.

In May of 2019 Allen filed an application for a TPO for domestic violence, and on May 22nd Cheek was ordered to stay away from Allen, prohibited from threatening, injuring, or taking possession of her animal, and prohibited contact with Allen’s father.

The application lists Allen as the “ex-girlfriend” of Cheek, their relationship listed as lasting nine months, two of which they lived together. They were not living together at the time, separating in January of 2018.

Allen states in the application that Cheek had sent her a text with “a picture of a girl with black hair like me with her face melted off and the message under it said ‘this is you Ha Ha.’”

The application also says although she blocked his calls, he still found a way to contact her, continued to go out to her house, break and steal her belongings, and took her dog. “He has told me many times he is going to burn my house down with me and my dog in it,” Allen continued in the application, ending by saying, “I am very afraid of him…I feel that one day he will kill me.”

That application was allowed to expire on June 20, when neither party were present at the hearing to extend the order that was held on June 17th.

This is an ongoing, multi-agency investigation, and the story will continue to be updated.  



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Stacey Nevarez 11/12/2020 10:14 AM
Fallon NV does absolutely NOTHING for victims, or their rights. NOTHING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Kricket Dawn 10/31/2020 02:30 PM
I agree with you Kerri , in cases like this most of the time the victom of domestic violence wants to appear in court but fears for her or his life that the abuser may retaliate and more than often this is what happens. JusticeforKelly

Estelle Pearce 10/30/2020 09:05 AM
This is very sad and someone should have taken her seriously as many times as she cried out for help! He should have been in prison the first time he attacked her! May she Rest In Peace. God help this world!!

Kerri Bobbit 10/29/2020 10:14 PM
DA should gade picked this up. I mean come on Kelly stated his threats. Her fears of him. Her protective order should not have expired point blank. When someone is threatening to murder you. Burn you up, he kidnaps her puppy etc. What has to happen for actual consequence someone dies. So many die daily & this is outrageous & unacceptable. I am a survivor myself & I know all too well the dabilitating effects. People need to understand & stop judging. There needs to be more protection. He should have been incarcerated point blank.

Tamara 10/29/2020 05:05 PM
RIP Kelly. ❤️ ? for all her family and friends and God Bless George !