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Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 4:31 PM

Faith and Life -- a column from local faith leaders

Thoughts on Thanksgiving
  • Source: Reverend Dawn Blundell, Epworth UMC
Faith and Life -- a column from local faith leaders

Author: Courtesy of Stan Lattin

Once per week or so, Fallon’s faith leaders offer their thoughts on faith and life. Any church or faith community of any kind is welcome and encouraged to participate. If you have ideas for topics we should write about, or if you or your pastor or faith leader would like to participate, please call Pastor Dawn Blundell at Epworth UMC, 775-423-4714.

If you’d like to talk more about anything you read here, or if you would like prayer or a listening ear, we hope you will reach out to one of us. If you don’t already have a church home, you are invited to join us for worship, too! You’ll find contact information and worship times below.

Thanksgiving Thoughts


Stephen Duarte, Director of Student Ministries

Parkside Bible Fellowship

Sunday School at 9:00am, worship services Sunday mornings at 10:15am and 6:00pm

For more info, please call 775-423-3855 or visit www.parksidebible.com


It is hard to be thankful when we think that we deserve what we have. God’s Word corrects this faulty thinking. As sinners, there is one thing that we have earned more than anything else – God’s judgment (Rom 2:6-16). With this in mind, we look to the ultimate gracious act of God. Jesus, God in the flesh, bore the penalty of sin. All who put their faith in him are made righteous in his sight. We did nothing to deserve this. Paul speaking on this topic writes, “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God…” (Eph 2:8-9) This gives cause for much thankfulness to all who put their faith in Christ.



Dawn Blundell, Senior Pastor

Epworth United Methodist Church

Worship Sunday mornings online at 9:30am on Facebook Live and KVLV AM980

For more info, please call 775-423-4714 or visit www.epworthfallon.org


My father passed away last week after a long illness, and we celebrated his life yesterday with prayer, scripture, storytelling, food. Lots of food. Just family of course, in this age of Covid, but that is exactly what we needed. A great deal of Jesus’ teaching and healing happened around meals, as it happens, and I am particularly thankful for that today. For every table where hurt and rejected people are welcomed and loved. For every person who brings food or comfort to someone else. For every family, biological or chosen, large or small, who gathers however they can and loves one another, even imperfectly. For huge Thanksgiving feasts, and for simple bread and drink at a table for one. I am so thankful to God for it all.



Celeste Buswell, Licensed Worship Leader and Homilist

Holy Trinity Episcopal Church

Worship Sunday mornings at 10:00am and Wednesdays at 7:00pm

Prayer services via Zoom Sunday morning at 8:30am, Tues and Thurs at 6:00pm

For more info or to join the Zoom prayer services, please call 775-423-3551


Thank God for the dry desert without which there would be no appreciation of every drop of water. For the blessing of diversity without which there would be no acknowledgement of each person’s gifts and talents. Good health is a blessing that we may better empathize with those who are sick. Thank you, God for blessing us with free will so that we may choose our path in life, to use our actions and deeds that bring us closer to you. Without death, there can be no respect for life, on earth and in your eternal kingdom. We value all the ugly in this world so that we may treasure all that is beautiful. God said “I am who I am.” I am because of you.



Adam Bayer, Command Chaplain

Fallon Naval Air Station

The NAS Fallon chapel holds a Sunday night Dinner & Discussion with Sailors who live on base at 6:00pm.

For more info, please call 775-426-9189

*The views or opinions expressed herein are solely his, and do not necessarily reflect those of the Department of the Navy, Department of Defense or the United States government.


In [God’s] great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:3b).” This Thanksgiving, I thank God for the truths in this verse. For God giving new birth to those who believe in his Son. For our new birth giving us hope—a living hope that adjusts to wild change we sometimes see in this world (I’m talking about you, 2020). For the new birth occurring because of Jesus Christ’s completed work of resurrection, not anything in us that would one day fail. For the basis of all these things being God’s great mercy, rather than my insufficient merit. I’m thankful that after he created, God chose to love, and has never stopped.




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